Realme is gearing up to launch a new smartphone in India. It had recently launched the Realme 3 Pro in India that was priced to take on the Redmi Note 7 Pro. Now, the company has tweeted the imminent arrival of the Realme X. The Realme X, which was originally unveiled in May this year, comes with features like 6.53-inch full-HD+ screen, Snapdragon 710 SoC, and up to 8GB of RAM. Company CEO Madhav Sheth has also tweeted about the Realme X and reiterated that company will bring the Realme X Naoto Fukasawa collection to India. Sheth has also changed his Twitter name to “Madhav X” to tease the arrival of the smartphone in India. The company is yet to offer an exact release date.
The Realme X has already been launched in China and is available in three variants. The base variant with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage has been priced at CNY 1,499 (roughly Rs. 15,400), whereas the phone's 6GB + 64GB variant carries a price tag of CNY 1,599 (roughly Rs. 16,400) and the top variant with 8GB RAM and 128GB of storage is priced at CNY 1,799 (roughly Rs. 18,500).
Get ready to experience the most practical premium smartphone. Say hi to #realmeX!
— Madhav X (@MadhavSheth1) July 1, 2019
Good news for the design lovers we will have the onion and garlic design master editions.
RT to show your love.
However, Realme CEO Madhav Sheth had earlier mentioned that the India version will have slightly different specifications and features and is expected to be priced around the Rs. 18,000 mark.
The Realme X has a big 6.53-inch AMOLED display with a 19.5:9 aspect ratio and 91.2 percent screen-to-body ratio. It has a pop-up selfie camera, a first on a Realme smartphone in India. It also features an in-display fingerprint scanner and Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection.
Just like the Realme 3 Pro, the Realme X is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 SoC. It has a dual camera setup at the back consisting of a 48-megapixel primary sensor with an f/1.7 lens and a 5-megapixel depth sensor with an f/2.4 lens. The 16-megapixel selfie camera is positioned in the pop-up module.
The Realme X packs in a 3,765mAh battery and has support for VOOC 3.0 fast charging. It is a dual SIM device and has two Nano SIM slots. The phone runs Android 9 Pie with Colour OS 6 on top. Additionally, the Realme X has a USB Type-C port, Dolby Atmos support, 4G LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5, and GPS.
Madhav Sheth has also mentioned in the tweet that the company will be bringing the Onion and Garlic finishes to India from the Naoto Fukasawa collection. Earlier Sheth had mentioned that there will be a special variant for India as well which will be revealed during launch.
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