Realme has released a teaser of the Realme 3 phone, hinting at the launch of the Realme 3 Pro variant alongside. The company is all set to host an event in India on March 4 where it is set to launch the Realme 3 phone. However, this new teaser hints that the Pro variant may also be launched alongside. This comes as Xiaomi is gearing up to launch the Redmi Note 7 in India tomorrow, and the Redmi Note 7 Pro is rumoured to also launch alongside. CEO Madhav Sheth also took a dig at Xiaomi by tweeting, "What's 7 doing in 3?'
Realme's new teaser heavily indicates that the company will release the Realme 3 Pro variant alongside the Realme 3. The teaser comes in the form of a new video which shows the letter three in the form of a lightning bolt, and the words 'Be Proactive' written on top. The letters 'pro' in the word proactive has been written in bold, indicative of the fact that the Realme 3 Pro is also incoming.
Any guesses? ⚡
— Realme (@realmemobiles) February 27, 2019
CEO Madhav Sheth retweeted the teaser, and said "What's 7 doing in 3?' it looks like Sheth is taking a dig at the Redmi Note 7 launch set for tomorrow in India, and is also suggesting that the upcoming Realme 3 series will give tough competition to the Redmi phone. The Realme 3 is also tipped to sport a 48-megapixel sensor at the back, just like the Redmi Note 7.
While the latest teaser reveals that the Realme 3 and Realme 3 Pro may be launched together, the predecessor Realme 2 was launched in August last year, while the Realme 2 Pro arrived a month later. All of this is just speculation and there's no official word from Realme surrounding the arrival of the Realme 3 Pro.
Realme 3 is expected to sport a waterdrop-style notch, a dual rear camera setup, a rear fingerprint scanner, and be accompanied by a diamond-cut case. The phone is also tipped to be powered by the MediaTek Helio P70 and will be running ColorOS 6 on top of Android 9 Pie.
Realme 3 Pro vs Redmi Note 7 Pro: Which one is the winner? We discussed this on Orbital, our weekly technology podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.
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