Realme, a spinoff brand from Oppo, has taken the Indian market by storm with its affordable offerings including the Realme 1, Realme C1, Realme 2, and Realme 2 Pro. The phone maker has now announced that it will unlock the bootloader of the Realme 2 Pro by January 15, 2019. Even the Realme 1 will have its bootloader unlocked and kernel source released in the first quarter of 2019 itself. Other than that, the Realme 2 Pro is confirmed to get support for slow motion video recording in the first quarter next year. This feature will expectedly be made available via an OTA update on the smartphone. Realme mobile accessories are also said to launch in India before the end of this year.
Apart from the Realme 2 Pro, the company's CEO Madhav Sheth took to Twitter to announce that “other Realme devices are being taken into consideration” for the slow motion video feature. In a video posted on his account, Sheth claimed that Realme mobile accessories, starting with Realme-branded earphones, will be unveiled in India before the end of this year. He also said that the new software UI, which is already being experienced by Realme 1 beta users, will roll out to all other Realme phones by the end of this year.
Ever since the launch of the Realme 1, the phone maker has been particularly swift in rolling out latest updates, Android security patches, and new features to its entire lineup. Just this week, the Realme 2 Pro received its latest software update which brought optimisations for selfie camera quality, optimisations for reminders, and the latest November 2018 Android security patch to the smartphone. The Realme 2 and Realme C1 already have the latest November security patch, and are expected to get ColorOS 5.2 soon.
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