The new Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 chipset features a Krait 450 quad-core CPU, which the company claims is the first mobile CPU to run at speeds of up to 2.5GHz per core. The Snapdragon 805 also features the Adreno 420 GPU, which according to Qualcomm delivers 40 percent more graphics processing power than the GPU on the Snapdragon 800.
Further, the new Snapdragon 805 offers Ultra HD support (including display, from games to UI), along with 4K video recording as well as playback capabilities, and support for a Gpixel/s throughput camera with its dual camera Image Signal Processors (ISPs). Qualcomm says the Snapdragon 805 also supports Hollywood Quality Video (HQV) for video post processing, and has hardware 4K HEVC (H.265) decoding for extremely low-power HD video playback.
Qualcomm also integrated the 28nm Gobi MDM9x25 modem, supporting LTE carrier aggregation and 150Mbps LTE 4. Partners can choose the new 20nm Gobi MDM9x35 as well, promising up to 300Mbps LTE-A download speeds. The Snapdragon 805 also features the Qualcomm VIVE 802.11ac module, which enables wireless 4K video streaming.
Commenting on the announcement, Murthy Renduchintala, executive vice president, Qualcomm Technologies Inc., and co-president, QCT said, "Using a smartphone or tablet powered by Snapdragon 805 processor is like having an Ultra HD home theatre in your pocket, with 4K video, imaging and graphics, all built for mobile. We're delivering the mobile industry's first truly end-to-end Ultra HD solution, and coupled with our industry leading Gobi LTE modems and RF transceivers, streaming and watching content at 4K resolution will finally be possible."
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