Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G has been launched, alongside the unveiling of the first phone to feature it - the Redmi K30 5G Racing Edition aka Redmi K30 5G Extreme Edition. The 7nm Snapdragon 768G is a follow-up to the 7nm Snapdragon 765G and aims to make 5G more accessible globally. Qualcomm says the Snapdragon 768G is designed for “next-level performance that enables smart, immersive gaming experiences with the integration of truly global 5G.” It SoC brings some performance enhancements over Snapdragon 765G like higher clock speed and better GPU performance.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G is an octa-core SoC with two Kryo 475 (ARM Cortex-A76) CPU cores. The clock speed of the Prime core is up to 2.8GHz, slightly faster than the up to 2.4GHz on the Snapdragon 765G. The second Kryo 475 core is clocked at 2.4GHz, Anandtech reveals, adding that the last 6 cores (ARM Cortex-A55) are clocked at 1.8GHz. In comparison, the Snapdragon 765G's second Kryo 475 core was clocked at 2.2GHz, while the six Cortex-A55 cores had the same 1.8GHz clock speed.
The Qualcomm Adreno 620 GPU present in the Snapdragon 768G offers up to a 15 percent performance increase over the GPU present in the Snapdragon 765G. The newer chip also supports Adreno updateable GPU drivers, the first 7-series platform to with the support. It has support for 120Hz displays as well. The Snapdragon 768G comes with Snapdragon Elite Gaming features for smoother gameplay and enhanced detail. It features same the Hexagon 696 digital signal processor (DSP) as the Snapdragon 765G.
Qualcomm says the new SoC delivers superior gaming performance and intelligent multi-camera capabilities. It comes with 5G connectivity and also preserves battery life.
The Snapdragon X52 5G Modem-RF System present in the Snapdragon 768G supports all key regions and frequency bands “including 5G mmWave and sub-6 GHz, 5G SA and NSA modes, TDD and FDD with Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS), global 5G roaming and support for multi-SIM.” This will allow the chipset to connect to 5G networks in a larger number of areas. It supports Wi-Fi 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6), Qualcomm aptX Adaptive Audio, Bluetooth v5.2, and USB Type-C (v3.1).
In terms of cameras, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G has a Spectra 355 image signal processor (ISP), with up to 192-megapixel camera support. The SoC supports up to 120Hz full-HD+ displays, and up to 60Hz QHD+ displays.
The Redmi K30 5G Racing Edition aka Redmi 60 5G Extreme Edition has been launched in China with the Snapdragon 768G SoC. The phone comes with support for 5G SA/NSA dual-mode, a 120Hz display, and a 64 megapixel primary camera.
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