Ahead of India's 72nd Independence Day, several e-commerce giants including Amazon and Flipkart have started their respective sales in India. While there are several offers on mobiles and other products, Paytm Mall has also announced a set of deals across categories on its site. However, an interesting offer is that of the Apple iPhone X. The smartphone that was launched in 2017 can now be purchased at an effective price in India of less than Rs. 70,000. Clubbing all the offers, including cashbacks and exchange offer, there is essentially a price drop of over Rs. 24,000 for the iPhone X. And even if you are unable to avail all the deals, you will still get Rs. 10,000 in cashback on the Paytm wallet, making it quite a lucrative deal.
The Paytm Mall Freedom Cashback Sale started on August 8 and will run till August 15. As part of the Independence Day sale, Paytm Mall offering the cashback offers on iPhone X. Under the Freedom Cashback Sale, Paytm Mall has effectively reduced the price of the iPhone X by offering a Rs. 10,000 cashback after every purchase. Notably, a 10 percent cashback offer is also available for Citibank credit card users. However, the maximum limit for this offer is Rs. 1,250. Furthermore, by availing an exchange offer, buyers can avail deductions up to Rs. 14,250. However, the iPhone X offer is subject to stock availability and can be purchased until the stocks run out.
To recall the specifications the (single-SIM) iPhone X that runs the latest version of iOS 11. The handset sports a 5.8-inch (1125x2436 pixels) Super Retina display with a 19.5:9 aspect ratio. It is backed up by the latest Apple A11 Bionic SoC, coupled with 3GB RAM and 64GB/ 256GB of inbuilt storage.
In the camera department, the iPhone X sports a dual rear camera setup with two 12-megapixel sensors that come with Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS). On the front is a 7-megapixel FaceTime HD camera for selfies and video calling. The phone has a 2716mAh battery powering the internals. It brings features such as Face ID for 3D facial recognition, Animojis, and HDR support, but lacks the fingerprint sensor and the 3.5mm earphone jack that the other two handsets have.
It is worth mentioning that Apple is expected to launch a new iPhone X successor, possibly next month. Apple could launch three new iPhones this year - one iPhone X successor with an OLED display, one 6.5-inch most premium variant with an OLED display, and another 6.1-inch LCD variant.
Disclosure: Paytm's parent company One97 is an investor in Gadgets 360.
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