Nearly four months after bringing the display notch-featuring F7, Oppo is now reportedly preparing the launch of the Oppo F9 and F9 Pro. Both new smartphones have allegedly been spotted on the Bluetooth certification website. Separately, a leaked teaser image showing the latest handset ahead of any formal confirmation has reached the Web. The alleged teaser that hasn't been shared by the Chinese company suggests that the new Oppo models may include a dual rear camera setup along with an LED flash module. Contrarily, the Oppo F7 that was launched in March had a single rear camera setup. A pattern also appears on the teaser image that could a sign for an all-new back panel on the upcoming handset.
The teaser, courtesy tech blog DealNTech, shows that Oppo is set to launch the F9 as its mid-range smartphone. While the provided teaser image doesn't reveal any launch schedule, it does include a render indicating the availability of a horizontally-placed dual rear camera setup on the new model. There is also a patterned background in the teaser that suggests us a uniquely-designed patterned back on the handset. Notably, we already saw a Diamond Black patterned back panel on the F7.
Apart from the teaser, DealnTech has shared a screenshot showing the listing of the Oppo F9 Pro on the Bluetooth SIG certification site. The screenshot shows that there are three different SKUs, with model number CPH1823, CPH1825, and CPH1881. The CPH1823 model in the list is likely to be the Oppo F9 Pro, while the CPH1825 and CPH1881 are expected to be the two different variants of the Oppo F9. All the models in the new Oppo F-Series range are apparently supporting 4G LTE support. It is also reported that the Oppo F9 and Oppo F9 Pro will come with the same Bluetooth module that debuted on the Oppo F7, Oppo F7 Youth, Oppo R15, and Realme 1 previously. It is thus safe to say that the new models are likely to be powered by the same MediaTek Helio P60 SoC that was featured on the previous handsets.
As a successor to the Oppo F7, we can expect an AI-backed imaging experience on the Oppo F9 and Oppo F9 Pro. The presence of the secondary image sensor at the back is also likely to help blur the background. Moreover, the new models are likely to retain the display notch design. The F7 was importantly the company's first model to have a display notch - matching many other Android devices and, of course, the iconic iPhone X.
To recall, the Oppo F7 was launched in India back in March with a starting price of Rs. 21,990. The handset had 4GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard, though there was the F7 128GB variant that included 6GB of RAM. Furthermore, it featured a 6.23-inch full-HD+ Full Screen 2.0 display with a 19:9 aspect ratio and run Android 8.1 Oreo-based ColorOS 5.0.
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