The OnePlus 5 India launch event is less than 10 days away, and the company has now announced it will hold pop-up events in four cities in the country right after launch to showcase its newest flagship to the general public. The India launch of the upcoming OnePlus flagship is scheduled for June 22, and the first pop-up event will be held in New Delhi the next day. On June 24, OnePlus will host pop-up events to bring the OnePlus 5 to the public in Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Chennai that will allow users to experience the handset and buy it.
OnePlus 5 pop-up events will also be held in New York, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and London after the launch on June 20, when the phone is unveiled globally. The company held similar events last year for the launch of OnePlus 3 as well.
Coming back to the OnePlus 5 pop-up event, the company’s official website says, “Everyone is invited. But, to be among the first ones to take home the OnePlus 5, you’ll have to be fast (limited stocks).” The Delhi event will start at 1pm IST and end at 9pm, the one in Bengaluru is scheduled for 12:30pm-10pm, and Chennai and Hyderabad for 3pm-9pm. Details of the venue are available on the OnePlus website.
The OnePlus 5 India launch event will start at 2pm IST on June 22. According to a recent report, the OnePlus 5 variant with 64GB storage and 6GB RAM will cost Rs. 32,999, while the model with 128GB storage and 8GB RAM will be priced at Rs. 37,999. The smartphone has been confirmed to feature the top-end Snapdragon 835 processor, iPhone 7 Plus-like design, and dual-camera setup on the back, based on various teasers the company has shared till now.
OnePlus 5 Price in India, Specifications, Release Date, and More: What the Rumour Mill Says
Rumours suggest the OnePlus 5 will run Android 7.1 Nougat software at launch, and sport a 5.5-inch full-HD display, with a fingerprint sensor below. It is said to run on Android 7.1 Nougat out-of-the-box. The smartphone is said to sport a 23-megapixel rear camera and a 16-megapixel camera at the front for selfies. As the device sports a dual camera setup at the back, how does 23-megapixel sensor fits in the scheme of things is currently unclear.
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