OnePlus has launched a new limited edition variant of its flagship, named the OnePlus 3T Midnight Black. As the name gives away, the new OnePlus 3T Midnight Black's USP is the black coloured body, while not much else has changed. Both abroad and in India, the new colour variant will only be available in the smartphone's 128GB storage variant.
Abroad, the OnePlus 3T Midnight Black Limited Edition will be available via HypeBeast on Friday at 4pm GMT (9:30pm IST). In India, the new colour variant will go on sale at 2pm IST on March 31 till stocks last. It will be sold through three channels -,, and the OnePlus Experience Store in Bengaluru. Pre-orders on Amazon India begin on Thursday.
The OnePlus 3T Midnight Black Limited Edition price remains the same as the regular 128GB variant - Rs. 34,999.
The new OnePlus 3T Midnight Black is the second limited edition handset to be unveiled by the Chinese company within a week, the first being the OnePlus 3T Black Colette Limited Edition. While only 250 units of the smartphone will be made available worldwide, there is no such official number regarding the former. Instead, the company only says that the number of units released will be "extremely limited."
In its forum post announcement, the company explains that it has been working on an all-black smartphone for "close to a year now." It reveals that it experimented with over 30 variations on the theme, but was not able to get "premium deep black coat" it was aiming to deliver.
"This limited edition of the OnePlus 3T is hewed out of the same space-grade aluminium that lent the original OnePlus 3 and 3T devices their class and durability. A dark coating of just 14 microns in thickness is meticulously applied to the surface of the phone, imbuing the device with a stunning black colour built to last, while retaining the look and feel of naked metal," the company said on its blog post.
On its India site, the company warns users that despite it being "confident" it had created a "superior coating process" for the OnePlus 3T Midnight Black Limited Edition, there are still chances of micro-abrasions that may result from "regular use without a protective case."
The OnePlus 3T (Review) was launched back in November last year, and was a minor upgrade over the OnePlus 3. The only differences between the OnePlus 3T and OnePlus 3 are a faster SoC, increased storage, an improved front camera, and a larger battery. The OnePlus 3T sports a faster Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 SoC compared to the Snapdragon 820 SoC on the original.
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