While the OnePlus 3 is set to launch on Tuesday, its price in India has been revealed ahead of the official announcement. According to an advertisement published in English daily Hindustan Times, the OnePlus 3 will be priced at Rs. 27,999 and will be available exclusively via Amazon India.
The ad also confirms some of the features such as Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor, fingerprint scanner which can unlock the handset in 0.2 seconds; 6GB of RAM, and 64GB of inbuilt storage. The ad also reveals that the OnePlus 3 will sport a 16-megapixel rear camera, and an 8-megapixel front camera.
The ad also reveals some bundled offers for the smartphone including 12 months of Saavn Pro subscription, 12 months of double data offer from Idea, 12 months of accidental damage protection under OnePlus Care offer, and 12 months offer on the Kindle app.
OnePlus 3 flagship will be officially announced on Tuesday. For the launch event, the company has introduced an Android app for live streaming - the OnePlus 3 Launch: The Loop - which is available for download via Google Play. The OnePlus 3 virtual launch event will begin at 10.00pm IST (12:30pm EDT). For the first two hours, the OnePlus 3 will go on sale via The Loop app, claimed to be the "world's first global VR shopping experience." The smartphone will then go on sale via the OnePlus website from 12:30am IST on June 15 (or 3.00pm EDT June 14), and via Amazon in India.
Co-founder Carl Pei has already confirmed details on the buying process, as well as the OnePlus 3 release date. The smartphone won't be sold through an invite system, and will be available for purchase through open sales.
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