Last week, the Nokia 5 went on sale in India through offline channels for Rs. 12,499. The Nokia 6, on the other hand, is set to be an Amazon India exclusive, and the registration window for the sale on August 23 has been open for a while now. Now, the registrations have reached its last day, after which you will not be eligible to participate in the sale on Wednesday. Only registered members will be able to participate in the Nokia 6 sale.
The sale is set to be held on Wednesday, August 23, and you need to be an Amazon India member to be eligible to register for the sale. The sale will begin at 12pm IST, and the smartphone can be purchased for Rs. 14,999. We presume that the Nokia 6 will be available till the stocks last and interested buyers must remain online at least an hour prior to the launch, and fill out address and credit card information for smoother checkout. Nokia 6 managed to gain more than one million registrations as of two weeks ago, and more presumably may have been added in these two weeks.
As part of the launch celebrations, Amazon India is offering Rs. 1,000 cashback to Prime members who use Amazon Pay balance to make the purchase. Furthermore, all Nokia 6 customers who sign in to the Kindle app will get 80 percent off on Kindle eBooks up to Rs. 300. MakeMyTrip is offering Rs. 2,500 off to Nokia 6 buyers (Rs. 1,800 on hotels and Rs. 700 on flights), and lastly, Vodafone is offering 45GB additional 4G data free for five months. This offer is valid till August 31, and 9GB of data will be added to every recharge of 1GB and above with five months validity for the additional data.
Nokia 6 specifications include a 5.5-inch full-HD 2.5D screen with Corning Gorilla Glass protection and a fingerprint sensor. The Nokia 6 runs on Android 7.0 Nougat and is powered by Snapdragon 430 SoC coupled with 3GB of RAM. The handset packs 32GB inbuilt storage, and supports microSD cards up to 128GB capacity, and houses a 3000mAh battery.
On the camera front, the Nokia 6 sports a 16-megapixel rear sensor, while the front camera's resolution is 8-megapixel and both come with an f/2.0 aperture. The handset has USB 2.0 port for connectivity, fingerprint sensor in the front, dual stereo speakers and Dolby Atmos audio enhancement.
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