Motorola has started rolling out OTA updates bringing 5G support to the Motorola Edge 30 Ultra and Edge 30 Fusion. It has also revealed the timeline for when these OTA updates will be made available to other 5G smartphones from the company. 5G services were launched in India on October 1 during the India Mobile Congress event in Delhi. Since then, telecom providers like Reliance Jio, and Bharti Airtel have enabled 5G services in select cities. More regions will get it in a phased manner with nationwide coverage expected to complete in the next 2 to 3 years.
Motorola's 5G smartphones in India feature hardware support for all the eight sub-6GHz 5G bands announced in India. In total, these smartphones can support 11 to 13 5G bands. As mentioned earlier, Motorola has already started rolling out OTA software updates. These bring standalone (SA) — Reliance Jio — and non-standalone (NSA) — Airtel and Vodafone Idea — 5G support simultaneously to smartphones.
On extending 5G support for smartphones in India, Executive Director of Motorola Asia Pacific Prashanth Mani said, "...Our updates on the recently launched Motorola Edge 30 Ultra and Edge 30 Fusion have already been rolled out and other Motorola 5G devices will be receiving the updates in subsequent weeks, targeting completion by the first week of November 2022.”
The company also revealed that the 5G OTA update rollout for the Moto G62 5G, Moto G82 5G, Motorola Edge 30, and Moto G71 5G will begin on October 25.
In addition, the Motorola Edge 30 Pro, Moto G51, Motorola Edge 20 Pro, Motorola Edge 20, and Motorola Edge 20 Fusion will start receiving it from November 11.
In related news, Apple plans to start rolling out software upgrades for 5G-enabled phones in India by December. Samsung also reportedly plans to provide 5G support across all its 5G devices by mid-November.
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