Motorola Edge 30 will be launched in India on May 12, the company revealed through a teaser on Friday. A dedicated microsite on Flipkart also started teasing the specifications of the new Motorola Edge series smartphone ahead of launch in the country. The Motorola Edge 30's India variant will have a pOLED panel, as per the microsite. The smartphone was launched in the global market in April last week. The 5G handset is powered by the Snapdragon 778G+. It features a 6.5-inch OLED display with a 144Hz refresh rate.
In a tweet, Motorola India announced the official launch date of the Motorola Edge 30 in the country. The smartphone is scheduled to launch on May 12 and will go on sale via Flipkart, Reliance Digital and other major retail stores. The poster carries a tagline: "World's Thinnest 5G Smartphone". Flipkart has created a dedicated landing page on its website to tease the arrival of the smartphone. Interested people can click the “Notify Me” button on the website to stay updated with the developments regarding its launch and availability. However, the time of the launch event and India pricing details of the smartphone are unknown at this moment.
To recall, Motorola Edge 30 debuted in the European markets recently with a price tag of EUR 449.99 (roughly Rs. 36,300) for the base 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant. The India pricing of the device is expected to be aligned with the European pricing. It is available in Aurora Green, Meteor Gray, and Supermoon Silver colour options.
Another Edge series phone, Motorola Edge 30 Pro's price in India has been set at Rs. 49,999 for the sole 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant.
The Indian variant of Motorola Edge 30 is expected to carry the same specifications as the model launched globally. The Flipkart listing indicates that it will have 5G connectivity and pOLED display with 144Hz refresh rate. It further suggests 155 grams weight and a thickness of 6.79mm for the upcoming Motorola smartphone.
The dual-SIM (Nano) Motorola Edge 30 launched globally runs on Android 12-based My UX. It features a 6.7-inch full-HD+ (1,080x2,400) pixels OLED display with a 144Hz refresh rate. Under the hood, the Motorola Edge 30 packs an octa-core Snapdragon 778G+ processor, coupled with 8GB of RAM.
The Motorola Edge 30 features a triple rear camera setup led by 50-megapixel primary camera. The camera unit also includes a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera and a 2-megapixel depth sensor. It features a 32-megapixel front-facing camera for selfies and video chats. The smartphone carries up to 256GB of inbuilt storage. It features an in-display fingerprint sensor for biometric authentication.
The Motorola Edge 30 packs a 4,020mAh battery with 33W TurboPower charging support.
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