Indian smartphone maker Micromax on Thursday announced the launch of its latest Spark Go smartphone in India. This is a new entrant in the budget smartphone segment and runs Android 8.1 Oreo (Go edition) software out-of-the-box. Other key highlights of the Micromax Spark Go include a Spreadtrum SC 9832E SoC, flash for both rear and front cameras, and 4G VoLTE support. Interestingly, a report from earlier this week noted that Micromax had entered into the list of the top five smartphone makers in India, in terms of shipments, after a gap of two years at a stretch.
Micromax Spark Go price in India has been set at Rs. 3,999 and is said to go on sale exclusively via Flipkart starting October 26 in Silver and Rose colour options. However, the phone is already up for sale on Flipkart at a lower price of Rs. 3,499 for both colour variants. Micromax has partnered with Reliance Jio to offer up to 25GB of additional 4G data to customers. Buyers will be able to avail 5GB additional data benefits on prepaid recharges of Rs.198/ Rs.299 for a maximum of 5 recharges.
The dual-SIM Micromax Spark Go runs Android Oreo (Go edition), and sports a 5.0-inch FWVGA (480x854 pixels) display panel. The handset is powered by a Spreadtrum SC9832E SoC, coupled with Mali-T720 GPU, 1GB of RAM and 8GB of inbuilt storage. Storage on the smartphone is expandable via MicroSD card (up to 32GB).
In the camera department, the Micromax Spark Go sports a 5-megapixel fixed-focus rear camera and a 2-megapixel selfie camera, both with flash. The rear camera on the Spark Go supports full-HD (1080p) video recording at 30fps and 2x digital zoom. There is a 2,000mAh battery under the hood. Connectivity options include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0, GPS, a Micro-USB port, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Dimensions are 145x72.8x9.7mm.
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