iQoo 3 was launched in India on Tuesday, the first smartphone from the brand in India. To recall, iQoo is a Vivo brand in China, but the company insists it is a separate legal entity in India, and should be treated as an independent brand. The heavily-marketed flagship 5G phone is targeted at mobile gaming enthusiasts and as such, offers some neat features such as pressure-sensitive shoulder buttons on the sides for more immersive gaming experience and 4D vibration feedback. Aside from the top-of-the-line Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC ticking at its heart, it also packs the more efficient LPDD5 RAM and the faster UFS 3.1 storage. iQoo 3's HDR 10+ display has a 180Hz touch sampling rate and has a hole-punch at the top. In the imaging department, the iQoo 3 packs a quad rear camera setup highlighted by a 48-megapixel main camera.
The iQoo 3 comes in both 4G and 5G variants, with 5G support limited only to the top-end configuration of the phone. As far as pricing goes, the iQoo 3's 4G-only 8GB + 128GB variant is priced at Rs. 36,990, while the 4G-only 8GB + 256GB model carries a price tag of Rs. 39,990. The iQoo 3's top-end 12GB + 256GB model, which comes with 5G support, will set buyers back by Rs. 44,990. It comes in Quantum Silver, Volcano Orange, and Tornado Black colour options, and will go on sale in India starting March 4 at 12pm (noon) via Flipkart and the company's official website.
Launch offers on the iQoo 3 include Rs. 3,000 cashback on ICICI Bank credit and debit cards, no-cost EMI, and benefits worth Rs. 12,000 for Jio customers.
The dual SIM (Nano) iQoo 3 runs Android 10 with the iQoo UI 1.0 on top. It packs a 6.44-inch full-HD+ (1080 x 2400 pixels) HDR 10+ Super AMOLED display with 91.40 percent screen-to-body ratio and Schott Xensation UP protective layer. It has a pixel density of 409ppi. 180Hz touch sampling rate, and 800 nits of peak brightness that maxes out at 1200 nits in some cases, as per iQoo. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC paired with up to 12GB of LPDDR5 RAM.
Talking about the imaging hardware, the iQoo 3 packs a quad rear camera setup that is headlined by a 48-megapixel main camera with an f/1.79 aperture and the Sony IMX582 sensor behind it. It is assisted by a 13-megapixel telephoto lens with an f/2.46 aperture and 20x digital zoom output. There is also a 13-megapixel wide-angle snapper with an f/2.2 aperture and a 120-degree field of view, and a 2-megapixel portrait camera with an f/2.4 aperture for bokeh shots. On the front is a 16-megapixel selfie snapper with an f/2.45 aperture and support for 4K video capture, housed inside a hole-punch.
The iQoo 3 offers up to 256GB of onboard UFS 3.1 storage. Connectivity options on the iQoo 3 include 5G, 4G, Bluetooth 5.1, USB Type-C 2.0, GPS, and Glonass. It comes equipped with a 4,440mAh battery with support for the proprietary 55W Super FlashCharge technology. The iQoo offering measures 158.51 x 74.88 x 9.16mm and tips the scales at 214.5 grams. There is an in-display fingerprint sensing module for authentication, while the rest of the sensors inside the iQoo 3 include an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, compass, gyroscope, and proximity sensor.
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