iQOO 13 was launched in India on Tuesday as the second smartphone in India to debut with a Snapdragon 8 Elite chip from Qualcomm. The handset is equipped with three 50-megapixel rear cameras, and sports a 6.82-inch AMOLED screen with a 144Hz refresh rate. It runs on Android 15, along with Vivo's Funtouch OS 15 skin. The iQOO packs a large 6,000mAh battery that can be charged at 120W, and the handset has IP68 and IP69 ratings for dust and water resistance.
iQOO 13 price in India is set at Rs. 54,999 for the base model with 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. The handset is also available in a 16GB+512GB variant that is priced at Rs. 59,999. It is available in Legend and Nardo Grey colourways.
Customers will be able to purchase the iQOO 13 starting on December 11 at 12pm (noon), via Amazon and the iQOO e-store. HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank debit and credit card holders can avail of a discount of Rs. 3,000, while Vivo and iQOO device owners can exchange their older handset for a Rs. 5.000 discount
The dual-SIM (Nano+Nano) iQOO 13 runs on Android 15-based Funtouch OS 15, and the company says the phone will get four Android software updates and five years of security updates. It sports a 6.82-inch 2K (1,440x3,186 pixels) LTPO AMOLED screen with a 144Hz refresh rate, 510ppi pixel density, and up to 1,800nits peak brightness (high brightness mode).
This is the second phone to arrive in India with Qualcomm's 3nm octa core Snapdragon 8 Elite chip, which is accompanied by up to 16GB of LPDDR5X Ultra RAM and up to 512GB of UFS 4.1 storage. The iQOO 13 also has iQOO's Q2 chip that is used to optimise gaming performance, as well as a 7,000 sq mm vapour chamber for heat dissipation.
The iQOO 13 is equipped with a triple rear camera setup comprising a 50-megapixel primary camera with a Sony IMX921 sensor (f/1.88) and OIS and EIS, a 50-megapixel ultrawide shooter with a Samsung JN1 sensor (f/2.0), and 50-megapixel telephoto camera with a Sony IMX816 sensor (f/1.85) and 2x optical zoom. On the front, it features a 32-megapixel selfie camera (f/2.45)
Connectivity options on the iQOO 13 include 5G, 4G LTE, Wi-Fi 7, Bluetooth 5.4, NFC, GPS, and a USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C port. Sensors on board include an accelerometer, ambient light sensor,
proximity sensor, e-compass, gyroscope, and a colour temperature sensor.
The iQOO 13 packs a 6,000mAh battery with 120W FlashCharge support. The handset has an infrared transmitter that can be used to control appliances, and it has IP68 and IP69 ratings for dust and water resistance. It measures 163.37x76.71x8.13mm and weighs 213g.
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