Apple has slashed the prices in India for iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE. The iPhone 6s now starts at Rs. 50,000 and comes with double the storage, while the bigger iPhone 6s Plus 32GB will now come with a starting price tag of Rs. 60,000. The iPhone SE 64GB has got a price cut as well. The announcements come just ahead of Apple 's October 7 launch of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in India.
(Also see: India Price of Entire iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus Lineup Announced)
The iPhone 6s 128GB model is now priced at Rs. 60,000, a Rs. 22,000 price cut from its earlier price of Rs 82,000. The iPhone 6s Plus 128GB in the meanwhile is now priced at Rs. 70,000, seeing the same Rs. 22,000 price drop from its Rs. 92,000 launch price. The iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus now start at Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 60,000 respectively, a drop of Rs. 12,000 each compared to their launch price, and you also get double the storage at 32GB, compared to 16GB last year.
As we mentioned, Apple's 4-inch iPhone SE smartphone, which was launched in March this year, also got a price cut. The iPhone SE 64GB model is now priced at Rs. 44,000, seeing a Rs. 5,000 price cut from its Rs. 49,000 price. The price for 16GB model remains unchanged at Rs. 39,000.
The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will be launched in India on October 7, with the iPhone 7 32GB starting at Rs. 60,000.
(Also see: Apple Says Initial Quantities of iPhone 7 Plus Sold Out Globally)
Recently, Apple's iPhone 6s was rated as the world's top-selling smartphone model in the second quarter of 2016. The US giant currently accounts for two of the three top-selling devices shipped worldwide.
Apple shipped 14.2 million units and accounted for four percent share of all smartphones shipped worldwide in second quarter of 2016, said market research firm Strategy Analytics.
The Apple iPhone 6 shipped 8.5 million units worldwide for second position and two percent marketshare during second quarter of 2016, followed by Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in third place with 8.3 million and two percent share.
Written with inputs from IANS
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