iPhone 12 price in India is now set at Rs. 48,999 for the 64GB storage model on Flipkart. The company's 2020 handset has been discounted by Rs. 7,130, as per a price tracker website. The smartphone was launched in India priced at Rs. 79,900. Additionally, the e-commerce giant is offering an additional exchange discount, which can further lower the price of the company's handset. Customers can also take advantage of bank offers to reduce the price of the iPhone 12 on Flipkart.
Flipkart has listed the iPhone 12 priced at Rs. 48,999 for the 64GB storage model. As per details shared by a price tracking website, the smartphone was previously priced at Rs. 56,129 on November 15. The iPhone 12 was launched in India in October 2020, priced at Rs. 79,990.
While the price of the iPhone has been cut to Rs. 48,999, customers can also take advantage of an exchange discount that can lower the price of the handset by up to Rs. 17,500 on selected phone models. However, the exact exchange value depends on the phone model and whether it is in working condition. The ecommerce platform is also offering an additional 10 percent discount of 10 percent on Federal Bank debit and credit card transactions, up to Rs. 1,500.
You can also avail of similar discounts on the 128GB and 256GB storage models which are available for purchase at Rs. 53999 and Rs. 61,999, respectively.
Launched in October 2020, the iPhone 12 sports a 6.1-inch OLED display panel with a Super Retina XDR Display and Ceramic Shield glass. The handset is powered by the A14 Bionic chipset. It is available in 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB storage options.
On the camera front, the iPhone 12 comes with a dual rear camera setup of two 12MP sensors, along with a 12-megapixel selfie camera. It also has an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. The iPhone 12 is shipped without an AC adapter in the box. It comes with a USB-C to Lightning cable. In terms of battery life, the iPhone 12 is rated to offer up to 17 hours video playback, according to Apple.
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