HTC on Tuesday launched the One M9+ in India, priced at Rs. 52,500. The smartphone will be available from May 3 in the country. The company has also announced the HTC One E9+ and HTC 326G Dual SIM for the Indian market, but not provided pricing details. The two smartphones will be made available in the second half of May, said the company.
The larger variant of the flagship HTC One M9, the HTC One M9+ features a 5.2-inch Quad-HD (1440x2560 pixels) display and runs Android 5.0.2 Lollipop with HTC Sense 7 UI on top. The big home button on the One M9+ is a fingerprint sensor that will also support biometric authentication for the AliPay payment system in China.
(Also see: HTC One M9+ vs HTC One M9)
The HTC One M9+ is powered by 2.2GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6795T processor coupled with 3GB of RAM. The inbuilt storage on the device is 32GB, which is further expandable by a microSD card (up to 128GB).(Also see: HTC One M9+ vs Samsung Galaxy S6)
Connectivity options on the device include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Infrared, DLNA, FM radio, and NFC. The One M9+ is backed by a similar 2840mAh non-removable battery as seen on One M9. HTC will launch the smartphone in three colour options - Gunmetal grey, Amber Gold, and Silver Gold.
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