Google Pixel 6 and Google Pixel 6 Pro are launching today at 10:30pm IST. As per a report, Google has ordered more than 7 million units of the Pixel 6 series — twice from its entire shipments last year — from its suppliers. Additionally, Google is also reportedly working on developing a new Pixelbook laptop. Separately, an unboxing video of the vanilla Google Pixel 6 has surfaced online that shows the Sorta Seafoam colour option and the contents of the retail box.
According to a report by Nikkei Asia citing people familiar with the matter, Google has ordered more than 7 million units of the Google Pixel 6 and Google Pixel 6 Pro from its suppliers. The search giant is said to be planning to capitalise on its unique position of being the sole manufacturer of Android-based smartphones in the US. Furthermore, the report claims Google has also ordered more than 5 million units of the Google Pixel 5a 5G smartphone. Last year, Google only shipped 3.7 million units of the smartphones in its Pixel lineup due to the coronavirus-induced pandemic.
Nikkei Asia sources also mentioned that Google told its suppliers that its position of being the sole US-based manufacturer of Android-based smartphones will help boost sales in the US, Europe, and Japan. Google is reportedly planning to steal market share from Apple, Samsung, and Xiaomi — the three leaders in the global smartphone market.
The report also mentions that Google is working on developing a new generation of the Pixelbook laptop, of course, running Chrome OS. Additionally, Google is also said to be creating its own chips that will power its Chromebook laptops.
Separately, an unboxing video of the Google Pixel 6 smartphone was spotted by 9to5Google. The video was first posted on TikTok and then on Twitter. However, the video has now been deleted from both social media platforms. The video shows a Sorta Seafoam green vanilla Pixel 6 being unboxed. However, the video doesn't show the smartphone being turned on nor does it show the front of the smartphone. Inside the retail box a USB Type-C to USB Type-C cable can be seen along with a USB Type-C OTG adaptor. No charging brick is visible in the retail box.
Both Google Pixel 6 and Google Pixel 6 Pro will be launching today at 10:30pm IST and you can watch the event livestream here.
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