Gionee on Monday launched its new M6S Plus smartphone in China and the smartphone comes with some really interesting specifications to say the least. The Gionee M6S Plus comes with a gigantic 6020mAh battery to keep it running through the length of the day and even packs 6GB of RAM to ensure that the device doesn't fall back in the memory department. The phone will be made available in two storage variants with - 64GB and 256GB of inbuilt storage. The pricing for the phone starts from CNY 3,499 (roughly Rs. 32,800) and goes up to CNY 4,299 (roughly Rs. 40,200) for the 256GB storage variant. It has gone up for bookings, with the first sale on May 2.
The dual-SIM Gionee M6S Plus runs Amigo3.5 OS based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and sports a 6-inch full-HD (1080x1920 pixels) Oncell AMOLED display. The device is powered by a 1.95GHz Snapdragon 653 SoC coupled with 6GB of RAM. The Gionee M6S Plus comes with a fingerprint scanner as well, placed on the rear panel below the camera module.
In terms of optics, Gionee M6S Plus comes with a 12-megapixel rear camera with LED flash. At front, we have an 8-mnegapixel camera for taking selfies. The device measures 163.3x80.9x8.25mm and weighs 215 grams. As we mentioned before, it houses a 6020mAh battery. In terms of connectivity options offered by the Gionee M6S Plus include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, Micro-USB 2.0, USB OTG, 3.5mm headphone jack, and GPS.
In terms of sensors, the phone features a light sensor, gravity sensor, electronic compass, compass, gyro, and proximity sensor. Gionee says that M6S Plus provides users with security features associated with payment options and that the live fingerprint scanning feature takes user's fingerprint as well as heart rate to verify user's identity.
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