Alongside its Grand Gadget Sale, Flipkart has also launched its Superphone Challenge for its customers. In this challenge, the e-commerce site contests that there are no smartphones better than the 12 pre-listed ones in the Superphone challenge. If a user is able to find a smartphone with at least four pre-mentioned features that are better than the ones listed by Flipkart, then the site promises to pay the full price of the challenger smartphone.
This Superphone challenge has twelve smartphones listed – Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 two variants, Panasonic Eluga Ray Max, Moto E4 Plus, Moto C Plus, Micromax Evok Note, Panasonic P85, Lenovo K5 Note two variants, Samsung Galaxy On5, and Lenovo K6 Power two variants. Flipkart claims that these smartphones have unmatched specifications and prices, and because of that, it has launched a challenge for its customers to find a smartphone that tops the specifications and price offering by these smartphone brands. If at least four out of the six features mentioned are better than the Superphones within the same price range (5 percent of the price band of superphone), then Flipkart promises to pay the full price of the challenged smartphone. The mentioned features include – RAM, inbuilt storage, camera, battery, fingerprint sensor, and screen type.
The challenges FAQ page reveals that challenger smartphones will be limited to the top-selling brands as per IDC Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker (Q1 2017) report. The challenge will run from July 24 to August 4 and to be eligible for the challenge, a user must have an active registered account with Flipkart with the email ID existing since at least six months. The e-commerce site notes that the ‘challenger smartphone’ must be available in leading multi-brand large offline retail stores having more than five outlets in each city and be present in at least 20 cities across India. Furthermore, the smartphone needs to have been purchased by the user during the challenge period (before August 4, and post July 24). It notes that smartphones available in exclusive brand outlets or small retail shops will not be eligible for the Superphone challenge.
If you fulfil all eligibility criteria, then the user can send the claim, proof of ID (valid government ID card - Aadhaar, Passport, Driving Licence), comparison entry, and proof of purchase (bill in your name, invoice in your name) of the challenger smartphone within the challenge period to Flipkart at through their registered Email ID. Furthermore, the entries should clearly compare the specifications of the Flipkart Superphone and the challenger smartphone in either a paragraph or tabular format and describe why the challenger smartphone is superior.
The winners will be contacted by Flipkart within 30 days of the challenge period, and will receive an e-gift voucher equivalent to the price of the smartphone. This can be redeemed on any purchase from Flipkart.
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