Anker 737 PowerCore 24K power bank has been launched, priced at $149 (approximately Rs. 12,000). The new 24,000mAh power bank is among the most advanced in Anker's product range, and has bi-directional charging of up to 140W, which is enough to quickly charge even modern laptops and most fast-charging smartphones. Interestingly, the new power bank also has a colour display, which shows useful statistics related to the charging and capacity of the device. It also has two USB Type-C ports and one USB Type-A port for charging other devices.
The Anger 737 PowerCore 24K is currently available only in select markets including the US, and is priced at $149 (approximately Rs. 12,000). The power bank is available to buy on Anker's official website, and is being sold in a single black colour option for now.
There is no word on when or if Anker will launch the 737 PowerCore 24K in India, and the high price would likely make it unviable in the price-sensitive Indian market where most power banks with a similar capacity, such as the Mi Hypersonic 20,000mAh 50W power bank, are priced at around Rs. 4,000.
The Anker 737 PowerCore 24K has, as the name suggests, a battery capacity of 24,000mAh. There are two USB Type-C ports and one USB Type-A port, but no cables included in the sales package. The GaN (Gallium Nitride) power bank has Power Delivery 3.1 compatibility, so you'll have to buy your own PD 3.1-compatible cable to make the most of the power bank's fast charging capabilities.
The device has a rated bi-directional input-output of 140W, so the power bank can be charged quickly as well as charge any connected devices quickly. For comparison, most mainstream power banks available in India charge at around 20-22.5W, so the Anker PowerCore 24K is considerably faster, and can be used to quickly charge even modern laptops with USB Type-C charging. This will, of course, reduce when multiple devices are connected to the charger simultaneously.
Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Anker 737 PowerCore 24K is its inbuilt colour display, which shows the remaining charge of the power bank, details on battery health, and the charging output of each individual port. The screen is said to use around 15 percent of the battery in 24 hours, so Anker recommends it be kept off when not in use.
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