Only newer Nexus devices will be able to take advantage of Seamless Updates.
The feature will support no current Nexus devices.
The new feature allows system OS updates to occur in the background.
Google on Wednesday at its I/O conference revealed upcoming improvements
to Android N, many of which were included in Android N Developer
3. The company during the keynote confirmed that the Android N will
bring 'Seamless Updates', a feature borrowed from Chrome OS. We now know
that feature will be limited to the next-generation Nexus devices,
Android Police has learned that Android N's new Seamless Update feature has some technical
requirements, which means older generation Nexus devices cannot support
the feature. It remains to be seen if OEMs implement the requirements in
their upcoming devices.
Dave Burke, VP of Engineering, at the
keynote on Wednesday had explained the new 'Seamless Update', "The next
time a user powers up their device, new devices can automatically and
seamlessly switch into the new updated system image."
In the case
of 'Seamless Updates' case, the system updates usually come in the form of deltas which means only the parts of the system
that changed are downloaded to a backup boot partition. On restart, the
backup partition becomes the primary. In case there is a problem with
the update, users can revert the system to use the previous partition.
means that we have to wait for the new Nexus devices to see how the
'Seamless' Update' feature works on mobile devices running Android N.
I/O, Google also released the Android N Developer Preview 3 which was
claimed by Google to be the first beta-quality candidate that will be
suitable to test on a user's primary smartphone or tablet.
Some of
the productivity features added in Android N include quick-switching between apps for easy
multi-tasking, multi-window support, and better notifications. One of
the major highlights of the keynote was the introduction of "Assistant,"
which is an upcoming expansion of Google's search tools.