Apple Store Online to launch in India on September 23, the company confirmed today. The online store will offer the full range of products available from Apple and offer customer support directly for the first time as well. Although Apple products have been sold through e-commerce stores like Amazon or Flipkart, it was reported last month by Bloomberg that Apple was working to get its own store online before Diwali. With the September 23 launch, it has hit the deadline although according to the Bloomberg report, Apple had planned to launch online much sooner, but found its plans disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak.
Not only will customers be able to purchase all Apple products in the online store, but they will also have access to Apple Specialists who can guide users in their purchases and provide support. Customers will be able to receive guidance directly from Apple, including online support in English and phone support in Hindi and English.We know how important it is for our customers to stay in touch with those they love and the world around them. We can't wait to connect with our customers and expand support in India with the Apple Store online on September 23! ????????
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) September 18, 2020
We're proud to be expanding in India and want to do all we can to support our customers and their communities,” said Deirdre O'Brien, Apple's senior vice president of Retail + People in a prepared statement. “We know our users are relying on technology to stay connected, engage in learning, and tap into their creativity, and by bringing the Apple Store online to India, we are offering our customers the very best of Apple at this important time.”
The online store will also offer buyers the ability to custom configure any Mac before purchasing, and will provide discounts on accessories to students as well as special pricing on Macs and iPads, as well as offering financing options, and a trade-in program.
You will also be able to purchase Apple Care+ online. This extends your warranty with up to 2 years of technical support and accidental damage cover.
According to Apple, all orders will ship with contactless delivery fulfilled by BlueDart within 24 to 72 hours of placing the order. Apple also plans to offer sessions focused on photography and music, as well as add-ons like gift wraps and custom engraving, likely to make gift giving on Diwali more appealing.
According to the Bloomberg report, the opening of the Online Store in India is only the first step for Apple, which will also be opening physical retail locations, starting next year in Mumbai, before opening a second outlet in Bengaluru.
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