Dhoni Kadiravan (May 1, 2017)
on Flipkart
This Inverter AC is simply superb and cooling is nice, worth to buy,
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Vinod Caleb Davala (May 1, 2017)
on Flipkart
It's been a year since I purchased 1.0 ton AC and I'm the happiest customer. Was hesitant to buy Midea as it was pretty new brand in the Indian market. But as it has collaborated with Carrier, dared and purchased it.
It's very silent and very very light on by electricity bill..!!
Hence bought another one on Flipkart, this time 1.5ton for my brother.
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Venkat (Mar 1, 2017)
on Flipkart
Very good product
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Flipkart Customer (Sep 1, 2017)
on Flipkart
Very heavy Electric consumption device... I think Inverter is not working properly..
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