Wonderful product with equally amazing offer & delivery from Flipkart!!
Rahul Shankar (Dec 1, 2014)
on Flipkart
I have been using a semi-automatic whirpool WM for last 6 years, so it was high time to upgrade it to fully-automatic. Options were top or front load, thus I spent a lot of time researching the difference between those as front load is on a little expensive side and probably also requires a little more maintenance than top load.
The following points helped me in choosing the right machine for a family of 3.
1) Brand: I made a decision to go only for IFB or LG. Where IFB has a super brand quality with not so good service whereas LG has a good brand quality with super service reputation (hope they live up to it).
2) Service: Though I never experienced any LG products, but looking at various blogs/forums came to the conclusion that it has far better service reputation than IFBs.
3) Top/Front Load: After lot of thinking, came to conclusion that buying Front load is obviously the perfect option but couldn't rule out top load too. As there were only marginal difference in the washing quality whereas front load was on the expensive side & had to be taken extra care as well.
Thus I decided to go ahead with LG top load and selected few models with technologies like iSensor & JetSpray. Finally zeroed in on the JetSpray model and so far I am fully satisfied with it's performance.
I made a price comparison for the same WM in the stores around my place in Hyd and on other e-comm sites and luckily got a wonderful deal with the 10% disc over SBI cards and paid approx 20,400 for it, thanks to Flipkart for providing the discount offer.
And thanks again to Flipkart for awesome delivery of the WM, you guys ROCK!!
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