Lava ProWatch V1 was launched in India on Friday. The smartwatch is powered by a Realtek 8773 chipset and a 2.5D GPU "animation engine." It is equipped with a VC9213 PPG sensor, which is claimed to offer precise health and wellness monitoring including heart rate and stress level tracking. The watch comes with support for Assisted GPS and Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity...
Brand | Lava |
Model | ProWatch V1 |
Price in India | ₹2,399 |
Release date | 10th January 2025 |
Model Name | ProWatch V1 |
Strap Material | Silicone |
Size | Regular |
Touchscreen | 1.85 |
Interchangeable Strap | Yes |
Water Resistant | IP68 |
Usage | Regular |
Ideal For | Unisex |
Sensor | PPG sensor |
Battery Type | 270mAh |
Rechargeable Battery | Yes |
Bluetooth | Yes |
Bluetooth Version | 5.3 |
GPS | Yes |
Processor Name | Realtek 8773 |
Display Resolution | 390 x 450 |
Display Type | AMOLED |
Other Display Features | Corning Gorilla Glass 3 |
Step Count | Yes |
Compass | Yes |
Calendar | Yes |
Date & Time Display | Yes |
Language | English |
Number of Buttons | 2 |
Microphone | Yes |