Seagate on Thursday launched its Fast SSD portfolio in India. The new lineup, which includes the 250GB and 500GB variants, was unveiled at CES 2018 in January. The Fast SSD models come with USB Type-C and offer transfer rates of 540MBps. They also come in a shock-resistant build. There is also a folder syncing software that helps you conveniently update your files on the SSDs. As an introductory offer, Seagate Fast SSD range will be available with a starting price of Rs. 8,990. The special pricing is valid for one month starting Amazon Prime Day that is taking place on July 16.
While the introductory price of the Seagate Fast SSD 250GB is set at Rs. 8,990, its 500GB variant will go on sale at Rs. 10,990. Post the initial offer, the price of the 250GB SSD will be revised to Rs. 9,990 (MRP Rs. 10,500) and Rs. 13,990 (MRP Rs. 18,000) for the 500GB variant. These prices will notably be exclusive for purchases through Amazon India.
Seagate claims that its Fast SSD lineup is capable of delivering up to 540MBps of reading speeds and 500MBps of writing speeds. The SSDs also include a lightweight, shock-resistant design that is touted to withstand anything users' commute can throw at them. Further, there is USB Type-C connectivity that enables a faster data transfer experience. Seagate has also included a USB Type-C to Type-A cable that allows you to connect the SSD with a system featuring a traditional USB port. Besides, the SSDs come preloaded with a folder-syncing software that helps you mirror your files and projects.
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