Samsung on Tuesday launched the Samsung Portable SSD T1 portable drive in India. Available via popular e-commerce websites, the Samsung Portable SSD T1 comes in three storage capacities. While the 250GB variant is priced at Rs. 12,000, the 500GB and 1TB variants are priced at Rs. 18,000 and 35,000 respectively.
SSD drives are faster than regular hard disks and also a little bit safer to lug around since they don't have any moving parts. Samsung is touting speeds that are up seven times faster than a regular hard drive. Samsung Portable SSD T1 offers 450MBps read/write speeds with USB 3.0 and a random read/write speeds of up to 8,000 inputs/ outputs per second.
Featuring a 256 bit hardware encryption for security, the Samsung Portable SSD T1 is powered by company's 3D Vertical NAND (V-NAND) technology and is shock resistant up to 1500/0.5ms. The device also features Dynamic Thermal Guard, which, as per the company's claims, activates in extreme temperature to protect the hard disk.
"We live in a digital age and with the proliferation of smart devices, the need for storage is on a rapid rise," Anuj Jain, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Business, Samsung India Electronics Ltd. said on the launch of the Samsung Portable SSD T1. "We needed to think beyond the existing storage options and provide our consumers with mobility, capacity and security of performance. The Samsung Portable SSD T1 helps users manage their data on the go, offering faster speeds and saving precious time of the users."
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