Don't hold your breath just yet for the new Mac OSX Lion. According to Apple Watcher-blog MacRumors, Apple may not launch their operating system today after all, or even this week.
MacRumours cites the tweet from LoopInsight's Jim Dalrymple, "you guys don't lose too much sleep waiting for the new Macs and Lion tomorrow". A second indicator is Arstechnica's John Siracusa's podcast where he mentions that OSX Lion may not come this week. While Siracusa described his information as third hand, this could also mean that the expected Mac hardware launches could also be deferred.
For the past week, tech blogs have been flooded with rumors suggesting the
Mac OSX Lion could launch today accompanied by new iterations of the Macbook Air, The MacBook and the MacPro.
While Apple has officially stated that it will launch Mac OSX Lion in July, they have not specified a date nor released information about any Mac hardwareupgrades.
Meanwhile, it's always a good day for a bite of the Big Apple. We'll be running Apple related news, reviews, photos and videos all day today.