iBall has launched a new laptop in India, further expanding its portfolio in the country. The iBall CompBook Premio v2.0 is priced at Rs. 21,999 and is available via retail outlets across the country. The new launch comes right after the Indian company announced models such as the iBall CompBook Exemplaire+, iBall CompBook Aer3, and an iBall Slide PenBook Windows 10 2-in-1 device.
The iBall CompBook Premio v2.0 laptop sports a 14-inch HD display with 1366x768 resolution. It comes with a touchpad with multi-touch functionality. The laptop is powered by the Intel Apollo Lake N4200 Pentium Quad Core processor, capable of up to 2.5 GHz speeds. The CompBook Premio v2.0 packs a 38Wh Li-Polymer battery.
The laptop offers 4GB of DDR3 RAM and has 32GB of in-built storage, expandable up to 128 GB via microSD slot. Users can also opt for additional internal storage (up to 1TB SSD or 2.5-inch SATA HDD of 7mm thickness) at the time of ordering the laptop. The latest iBall laptop runs on Windows 10 Home but you can upgrade to Windows 10 Pro for an additional Rs. 3,000.
Connectivity options on the iBall CompBook Premio v2.0 include inbuilt dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, mini HDMI v1.4a, and USB 3.0 port. The laptop packs a 0.3-megapixel camera as well. The laptop comes in a Gun Mustard Metallic colour variant. In terms of dimensions the laptop measures 33.4x22.2x2.4cm and weighs 1.30 kg (without the HDD). Along with the laptop, users will get a user manual, a power adapter, and USB Cable. Notably, the Premio v2.0 comes with 1-year warranty.
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