Asus on Wednesday announced the launch of the VivoBook S14 (SS410UA) in India. The new VivoBook model will come in three variants with seventh-generation Intel Core i3 and eight-generation Core i5 and Core i7 options. All three variants are exclusively available for purchase through Flipkart. Customers buying the new VivoBook between February 14 and February 28 are offered an initial price of Rs. 44,990, though its actual starting price is set at Rs. 55,990.
Unveiled at IFA 2017 back in August last year, the Asus VivoBook S14 is specifically designed for people who are constantly on the go. The notebook features a slim-bezel NanoEdge display which is a 14-inch full-HD, anti-glare IPS panel that fits in a 13-inch chassis. The advanced display panel sports up to 77 percent of screen-to-body ratio and comes with Asus Splendid and Tru2Life Video technologies. The former visual optimisation technology brings four different viewing modes, including a Normal mode for daily tasks, Vivid mode to enhance photos and videos, Eye Care mode to ease eye strain by reducing blue light emission, and a Manual mode to let you adjust colour production manually.
Each of the three VivoBook S14 variants has 8GB of DDR4 RAM as well as up to 256GB M.2 SSD and 1TB HDD. There is a backlit keyboard with 1.4mm of travel distance and a multitouch-supported touchpad that sits alongside a fingerprint sensor. The notebook comes with Windows 10 Home out of the box and uses Windows Hello for encrypting personal data. In terms of connectivity, there is Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth, two USB 2.0 ports, one USB 3.0, one USB 3.1 Type-C (1st Gen), and one HDMI port. The notebook also comes with a 2-in-1 card reader that supports SD and SDXC memory cards.
Asus has used a metallic design for building the VivoBook S14 that is touted to have undergone a 20,000-cycle open-and-close hinge test and a simulated high-altitude (10,000 feet for 24 hours) test. The keyboard of the new VivoBook model has also been examined under a 10-million keystroke test.
The VivoBook S14 packs a three-cell, lithium-polymer battery that lasts for up to eight hours on a single charge and adds up to 60 percent of power in 49 minutes, as per the company’s claim. There are proprietary features such as Asus Sonic Master and Asus Ice Cool technology.
“The demand for stylish laptops has been increasing with the change in lifestyle and huge disposable income in our target audience. Consumers are seeking trendy yet powerful laptops for day to day use. With our new VivoBook S14 we bring those users a laptop that can represent their style with powerful hardware for making their daily task easy,” said Arnold Su, Business Development Manager, Asus India, in a press statement.
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