Gaming on a budget? This useful list will help you find the best gaming laptop at a price that doesn’t break the bank. Here, you will find the latest gaming laptops in India that are priced under Rs. 50,000. The list is sorted by how recently a model was added to the Gadgets 360 database, as well as from higher price (with an upper limit of Rs. 50,000) to lower price (with a lower limit of Rs. 40,000). Currently in stock laptops are given priority over those that are currently out of stock.
The Gadgets 360 Gaming Laptops Under Rs. 50,000 shows the key specifications for each laptop, along with a link to the full specifications. In case we’ve reviewed the model, you will also find a link to its review as well as an overall rating. Each laptop listing is accompanied by a link to other models by the same manufacturer, which can be useful to find similar machines.
If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, and want to widen your budget, you may want to check out our Gaming Laptops Under Rs. 60,000 list as well. Visit our other helpful Gadgets 360 laptop pages, such as the Laptop Finder tool, the Compare Laptops tool, and the Touch Screen Laptops list.
Gaming Laptops Under 50000 | Price in India |
Acer Aspire 7 (2021) | Rs. 46,990 |
Asus FX553VD-DM013 | Rs. 49,999 |
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-51 | Rs. 48,500 |
HP Inspiron I7559 | Rs. 48,990 |
Asus K555LD-XX645D | Rs. 48,999 |
Acer Aspire VX-15 | Rs. 44,990 |
AGB Octev AB1210 | Rs. 40,000 |
Asus FX553VD-DM1031 | Rs. 40,000 |
AGB Orion RA0301 | Rs. 40,000 |
Laptops Under 20000 |
Gaming Laptops |
Laptops Under 30000 |
Laptops Under 40000 |
Laptops Under 50000 |
Gaming Laptops Under 60000 |