Using a regular credit card is pretty straightforward. You simply hand over the card to someone or personally swipe it on a terminal, enter a secure PIN, and you're done. However, credit card usage has changed over the last several years. Credit card transactions aren't limited to a simple swipe-and-buy process. You can purchase products on an EMI, collect and spend rewards, and do a whole lot more. All this calls for a new type of credit card that can make your lives a bit easier.
IndusInd Bank has launched India's first interactive credit card known as the IndusInd Bank Nexxt credit card. This is the first credit card in India that makes it easier to make payments using flexible options and lets you do a whole lot more compared to a 'regular' credit card. It's the perfect credit card for the next generation of users.
The IndusInd Bank Nexxt credit card offers you a flexible method to make payments while you're out shopping. You can choose to pay using EMI options, reward points, or the usual credit method, at the touch of a button. All you have to do is press the button on the credit card to enable a particular method of payment. You can even select EMI duration directly on the card itself. This helps you eliminate the hassle of converting your transactions into EMIs later on. Once you've collected enough reward points, you can easily redeem them directly using the credit card itself.
Are you wondering how it works? The IndusInd Bank Nexxt credit card includes separate buttons for EMI, rewards, and credit. You can select your preferred method of payment before using your card at a payment terminal. Simply press the relevant button and you'll be charged accordingly. You can also setup the duration of your EMI before making a purchase. This means no more phone calls to customer service, no more hassles or long waits for converting a transaction into EMI options.
Apart from making it easier to pay, the IndusInd Bank Nexxt credit card also comes with a number of exciting bundled offers. For every Rs. 150 you spend on the card, you'll earn 1 reward point. You can redeem your card for purchases directly or you can also use the bank's online shopping portal. You can even convert your reward points into airline miles.
If you love to watch movies, the credit card offers a free ticket with every movie ticket you book on BookMyShow or Satyam Cinemas. The IndusInd Bank also offers complimentary Priority Pass membership which offers access to over 700 lounges across the world. You can also avail 1 percent fuel surcharge waiver at all petrol pumps across the country.
The IndusInd Nexxt credit card offers a promising and exciting package to young credit card users in India. Whether you're going for your first credit card ever of if you're tired of using old-school credit cards, it's time to switch to the country's first interactive credit card.
Does it sound exciting to you? Don't wait, get the IndusInd Bank Nexxt credit card right now!
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