Public sector undertaking RailTel on Monday denied that the free Wi-Fi service in Patna railway station was used mostly to view porn."The Wi-Fi provided at stations is the platform to millions of users to connect to Internet," a RailTel spokesperson told IANS.
"RailTel, being an Internet Service Provider, does not keep watch over the web sites being browsed by the users. "The guidelines being issued by DoT in this regard from time to time are strictly complied with by RailTel," the spokesperson added. RailTel has provided the Wi-Fi at railway stations along with Google as their technology partner, the official added.
Earlier, an unnamed official was quoted as saying that most people who availed the Wi-Fi service at the Patna station particularly watched porn.
Patna station is the first station in Bihar to have free Wi-Fi facility. More than 200 trains pass through it daily. The Wi-Fi service was launched last month at Patna.The government has said that Wi-Fi facility would be introduced at all major railway stations over the next three years.
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