Flipkart on Wednesday kicked off its three-day Electronics Sale, which saw some exciting deals and discounts across a range of electronic products from smartphones to smartwatches. Some of the best deals yesterday included offers on iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, Google Pixel and Pixel XL, Moto Z, Moto Z Play, Google Chromecast, TVs, and smartwatches.
Day 2 continues some of the deals that were seen on Wednesday as well as some new offers on gaming consoles, DSLR cameras, and powerbanks. Here are some the best deals you'll find today. We recommend you check them out before the end of the day.
Flipkart offers on DSLR cameras
If you've been meaning to get your hands on a decent DSLR camera but were concerned about the expensive price tag, Flipkart has some interesting discounts for today. DSLR cameras like the Canon EOS 1200D, Canon EOS 1300D, and Nikon D3300 are seeing discounts up to 28 percent. There are some steep discounts on lenses as well and you can find all of them here.
Flipkart deals on gaming consoles
Xbox 360 may be over a decade old but it's still a decent gaming console to start off with. The 500GB Xbox 360 is currently available at price of Rs. 11,990 down from Rs. 24,990, and you get a Forza Horizon 2 along with it as well. For the more professional gamers out there, the 1TB PlayStation 4 is also on offer for Rs. 27,990, which is a 17 percent discount from its original price. The gaming console with come along with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Infamous Second Son.
Flipkart offers on power banks
Power banks are essential for when you find yourself needing some extra juice towards the end of the day. Flipkart has you covered with power banks available at over half the going price. Intex, Ambrane, Syska are among some of the power banks on offer ranging from 10000mAh to 20000mAh. You can check out all the power banks on offer here.
Flipkart deals on smartphones
Some of the smartphones on offer from Wednesday continue to be available on Thursday. However, some of the deals have changed since Wednesday. All variants of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus that were available at a discount of 20 percent on Wednesday are now available at a discount of 11 percent with up to Rs. 13,500 off on exchange. The Google Pixel has up to Rs 20,000 off on exchange on Flipkart Electronics Sale, and the Google Pixel XL has up to Rs. 13,500. Moto Z and Moto Z Play offer exchange discount of up to Rs. 15,500 while the Samsung A9 Pro gets a discount of Rs. 6,950.
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