You can check if your name is on voter list and find your polling booth
There is no way to cast votes online in India
How to vote in India's Lok Sabha Elections 2019
Lok Sabha Elections 2019 phase five is here, the next step in the world's biggest democratic process, and the question everyone is asking is how to vote #India. Lok Sabha elections are held every five years in India, a process that ends with the people's vote deciding which political party holds power for the next five years at the centre. Every eligible voter in India will have a say in the Lok Sabha Election 2019 process and if you are among them, here's a handy guide on how to vote in India. Casting your vote in India is not a complex process but you should be diligent and check whether your name is on the voter list and whether your voter ID card has accurate information. Here's how to vote #India in Lok Sabha elections 2019 which will be conducted across the country in April and May.
Is my name on Lok Sabha Election 2019 voter list?
If you want to vote in the Lok Sabha Election 2019, the first step is to check whether your name is on the voter list. Follow these steps.
Go to the NVSP Electoral Search page. This page keeps going down, so try later if it's not opening at the moment.
You can click Search by EPIC No. if you have your voter ID card, enter the EPIC number mentioned on the voter ID, and tap Search.
Alternatively, click Search by Details, key in all the details, and tap Search.
Where is my Lok Sabha Election 2019 poll booth?
Follow the steps mentioned above to check if your name is on the voter list for Lok Sabha Election 2019. If your name is on the list, one of the details returned in the search results will be the name and location of your polling booth.
Age proof documents (any one document from the following)
Birth certificate issued by Municipal Authorities or district office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths or Baptism certificate
Birth certificate from the school (Govt. / Recognised) last attended by the applicant or any other recognised educational institution
If a person in class 10 or more pass, he should give a copy of the mark sheet of class 10, if it contains date of birth as a proof of date of birth
Marksheet of class 8 if it contains date of birth ; or
Marksheet of class 5 if it contains date of birth ; or
Indian Passport
PAN card
Driving License
Aadhar letter issued by UIDAI
Residence proof documents (any one of the following)
Bank / Kisan / Post Office current passbook
Ration card
Driving license
Income Tax Assessment Order
Latest rent agreement
Latest water / telephone / electricity / gas connection bill for that address — either in the name of the applicant or that of his / her immediate relation such as parents, etc.
Any post / letter / mail delivered through Indian Postal Department in the applicant's name at the address of ordinary residence.
How to register to vote in India
Follow these steps to register as a voter in India.
Make sure you are eligible to vote in India by checking all the criteria mentioned above.
Now that you have all the information about voting in Lok Sabha Election 2019, here is a bonus titbit for you. The general election results will be announced on May 23, 2019.