Video games to adapt to players' moods with new controller
By Indo-Asian News Service | Updated: 25 April 2014 19:40 IST
team of engineers at Stanford University has developed a handheld
controller that allows video games to adapt to a player's level of
For instance, if a player's heart rate, blood
flow, rate of breath and other physiological signals show he or she is
bored with an unchallenging game, the controller can gather that
information from the individual's hands and increase the level of
When players are engaged, their heart rate and
breathing generally become faster, Gregory Kovacs, a professor of
electrical engineering at Stanford and head of the laboratory where the
prototype controller was developed in collaboration with Texas
Instruments, told EFE.
The engineers removed the back
panel from an Xbox 360 controller and replaced it with a 3D printed
plastic module equipped with sensors that measure gamers' blood
pressure, heart rate, temperature and breathing rate and depth.
Users' arms and hands transmit signals that indicate what is happening internally, the professor told EFE.
in Kovacs' laboratory under the leadership of doctoral candidate Corey
McCall, the controller has sparked the interest of several companies in
the video game and entertainment industry.
non-invasive system for measuring autonomic nervous system activity has
numerous applications beyond the world of gaming, Kovacs said, noting
that it could be used to prevent traffic accidents.
drivers continue to be a major cause of car crashes, he said, adding
that many lives could be saved by using sensors on the steering wheel to
monitor motorists' level of alertness.