LeEco has taken India by storm since its entry couple of months ago. They even held a "LeEco Day" shopping festival on Flipkart in February with gifts such as Bluetooth Headsets and even a Mahindra KUV100 for over 2000 lucky winners. Now, the global Internet company is gearing up for another "LeEco Day" shopping carnival! To be held on April 7th and 8th, LeEco says that they have some mega offers lined up for buyers.
According to the company, the tremendous response from SuperFans encouraged them to celebrate another LeEco Day carnival with more offers for fans. The sale will be hosted on Flipkart, making it one of the biggest ever smartphone shopping sales on the platform.
LeEco Day has endeared itself to consumers, giving proof of the growing popularity of the company’s ecosystem-based SuperPhones. This carnival-style sales events replicate the hugely popular brand property that the company owns globally.
For the upcoming "LeEco Day", flagship-killer Le1s and the "big and bold" Le Max will be available on Flipkart with exciting gifts and exchange offers. Its time for some shopping, so prepare yourself for the biggest sale event! And, as always, LeEco has more surprises in stock. Stay tuned!
For more details visit the link http://dl.flipkart.com/dl/brand-day