Watchmen is the TV series adaptation of a popular 1980s DC comic of the same name. The show is set 34 years after the events of the comic with only a handful from the eponymous team still present, including Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias (Jeremy Irons), and Laurie Blake / Silk Spectre (Jean Smart).
Watchmen's prime focus is the racial inequality against African Americans which often sieves in the form of violence, injustice, and disregard. A particular white supremacist group called Seventh Kavalry has been waging brutal wars on the minorities, as well as the police who now remain masked to hide their identity. Angela Abar (Regina King), one of the two surviving police officers is on an ambitious quest to crack down on the group.
Watchmen Season 1 Web Series Cast, Episodes, Release Date, Trailer and Ratings
The sheer proliferation of superhero culture in this century — more so, the past decade — has pushed filmmakers to venture into hitherto unexpected avenues. That has given us genre crossovers from period war epics (Wonder Woman) to animated spoofs (The Lego Batman Movie), highly self-aware commentary (Deadpool) to counter self-serious dramas (Logan), and fresh visual styles (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) or aural experiences (Black Panther). More recently, some have toyed with the very boundaries. The Boys semi-successfully touched upon how superpowers and a capitalist world could easily corrupt humans, before Joker delivered a cynical character study, albeit controversially and irresponsibly. Enter HBO's Watchmen.