Seventh instalment of the live-action Transformer film franchise, primarily influenced by the Beast Wars storyline. It also serves as a sequel to the first Transformers prequel spin-off Bumblebee (2018) that was retroactively dubbed as a reboot.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | The Maximals - (from | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:36 | |
2. | Unicron / Scourge | Jongnic Bontemps | 3:36 | |
3. | Autobots Enter | Jongnic Bontemps | 0:56 | |
4. | What Are You | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:28 | |
5. | More Than Meets the Eye | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:31 | |
6. | Mirage | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:58 | |
7. | Museum Heist | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:14 | |
8. | Battle at Ellis Island | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:28 | |
9. | Fallen Hero | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:48 | |
10. | Chris Meets Mirage | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:55 | |
11. | Arriving in Peru | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:22 | |
12. | Hiding in Plain Sight | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:29 | |
13. | The Cave | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:30 | |
14. | Switchback Chase | Steve Jablonsky | 4:21 | |
15. | The Village | Jongnic Bontemps | 3:48 | |
16. | Saving Elena | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:56 | |
17. | One Last Stand | Jongnic Bontemps | 3:07 | |
18. | The Final Battle Begins | Jongnic Bontemps | 3:19 | |
19. | Unicron Approaches | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:30 | |
20. | Home Team | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:22 | |
21. | Volcano Battle | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:58 | |
22. | No Matter the Cost | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:55 | |
23. | Till All Are One | Jongnic Bontemps | 1:54 | |
24. | Humans and Autobots United | Steve Jablonsky | 2:31 | |
25. | Here's My Card | Jongnic Bontemps | 2:46 | |
26. | A Long Time Ago | Jongnic Bontemps | 6:26 |