Tom and Jerry is based on the American franchise created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It is a hybrid action-comedy that takes place in a world where all animals are animated but all humans are real (read: live-action). It shows how a New Yorker named Kayla (Chloë Grace Moretz) cons her way into a hospitality job at a fancy hotel the week before a high-profile wedding there between Ben (Colin Jost) and Preeta (Pallavi Sharda). As the preparations for the wedding begin, Kayla discovers that Jerry has taken up residence at the hotel, and so she hires his all-time enemy Tom to take care of the issue. Oh, if only she knew what she was getting into.
Tom & Jerry Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Tom and Jerry have been that one cartoon, without watching which, one’s childhood is incomplete. So, if you are looking for a trip to the ’90s and re-live your childhood, Tom and Jerry will definitely succeed in doing that but with a little advancement in the animations and storyline.
The director of the movie, Tim Story, has made sure that the classic feel of Tom and Jerry and the modern story of the film goes hand in hand. The story of the film is about the adventurous journey of Tom and Jerry when they are forced to work together. The screenplay of the movie does a great job in doing justice to the story of the film and in showing the relationship between the two of them. Though the film restrains in keeping the attention of the audience as it juggles between the human drama and comedy of the duo, it still does not take away the essence of the characters giving the audience a fun and nostalgic trip to their childhood.
All in all, fasten your seat belts to re-live your childhood because Tom and Jerry movie is definitely going to take you back to those carefree days.
Take a look at the hilarious comic Tom and Jerry official trailer and ride yourself back in the days of 80's and 90's.