Titans is the live-action series based on Teen Titans, the fictional superhero team featuring in DC Comics. The show puts on the platter plenty of action sequences filled with hard-hitting violence and goriness, and mainly focuses on how the dismembered Teen Titans are reformed by a mix of old and new members.
Dick Grayson (Brenton Thwaites) — a vigilante named Robin from the Batman family— leaves Gotham City for Detroit, in a desperate attempt to distance himself from his mentor, violent urges, and the superhero persona. His plan works out well until a mysterious girl named Rachel Roth (Teagan Croft) approaches him to seek protection from the dangerous forces pursuing her.
Along the journey, they meet an extraterrestrial being called Kory Anders (Anna Diop) and an animal shapeshifter named Gar Logan (Ryan Potter). Meanwhile, Anders has no idea of her true identity — thanks to amnesia.
Titans Season 1 Web Series Cast, Episodes, Release Date, Trailer and Ratings