Four years after the mayhem at Jurassic Park, a wealthy British family lands up at an island that contains genetically engineered dinosaurs. After the attack of a group of Compsognathus, a research team that consists of John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) invites mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) to his home to discuss some startling information. Hammond's company InGen, which created the cloned dinosaurs, are now heading towards the newly discovered island.
Headed by Hammond's nephew Peter Ludlow, the InGen team members and engineers discover that the dinosaurs were hiding, still alive, and even breeding. Hammond wants the brilliant mathematician Malcolm to observe and document the reptiles before his financiers reach them.
The Lost World: Jurassic Park Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | The Lost World - From | John Williams | 3:33 | |
2. | The Island Prologue - From | John Williams | 5:03 | |
3. | Malcolm's Journey - From | John Williams | 5:43 | |
4. | The Hunt - From | John Williams | 3:30 | |
5. | The Trek - From | John Williams | 5:23 | |
6. | Finding Camp Jurassic - From | John Williams | 3:03 | |
7. | Rescuing Sarah - From | John Williams | 4:00 | |
8. | Hammond's Plan - From | John Williams | 4:31 | |
9. | The Raptors Appear - From | John Williams | 3:42 | |
10. | The Compys Dine - From | John Williams | 5:07 | |
11. | The Stegosaurus - From | John Williams | 5:20 | |
12. | Ludlow's Demise - From | John Williams | 4:26 | |
13. | Visitor In San Diego - From | John Williams | 7:37 | |
14. | Finale & Jurassic Park Theme - From | John Williams | 7:54 |