In a twilight world of international espionage, an unnamed CIA operative known as The Protagonist (John David Washington) is recruited by a mysterious organization called Tenet. The Protagonist is given a single word as his weapon, and sent to prevent the onset of World War III. He has to master the art of "time inversion" to counter the threat that is to come — or is already here.
Tenet Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | RAINY NIGHT IN TALLINN | Ludwig Goransson | 8:00 | |
2. | WINDMILLS | Ludwig Goransson | 5:16 | |
3. | MEETING NEIL | Ludwig Goransson | 2:15 | |
4. | PRIYA | Ludwig Goransson | 3:23 | |
5. | BETRAYAL | Ludwig Goransson | 3:55 | |
6. | FREEPORT | Ludwig Goransson | 3:38 | |
7. | 747 | Ludwig Goransson | 7:04 | |
8. | FROM MUMBAI TO AMALFI | Ludwig Goransson | 4:25 | |
9. | FOILS | Ludwig Goransson | 3:10 | |
10. | SATOR | Ludwig Goransson | 2:51 | |
11. | TRUCKS IN PLACE | Ludwig Goransson | 5:32 | |
12. | RED ROOM BLUE ROOM | Ludwig Goransson | 3:29 | |
13. | INVERSION | Ludwig Goransson | 3:32 | |
14. | RETRIEVING THE CASE | Ludwig Goransson | 3:20 | |
15. | THE ALGORITHM | Ludwig Goransson | 5:58 | |
16. | POSTERITY | Ludwig Goransson | 12:42 | |
17. | THE PROTAGONIST | Ludwig Goransson | 4:48 | |
18. | THE PLAN | Travis Scott | 3:05 | |
19. | FAST CARS - BONUS TRACK | Ludwig Goransson | 3:35 | |
20. | TURNSTILE - BONUS TRACK | Ludwig Goransson | 6:15 |