Story of an unusual friendship between an eccentric activist and a teenager dealing with her brother's serious illness and her audacious mother. The sumi-biographical film is based on the film’s director and writer Laura Chinn’s life experience from the early 2000s.
Suncoast Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Doris & Max | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:09 | |
2. | Suncoast | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 2:16 | |
3. | Like Your Brother | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:23 | |
4. | Life At Suncoast | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:22 | |
5. | H.B. | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:49 | |
6. | Song for Paul | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:09 | |
7. | Home | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:44 | |
8. | She Didn't Wake Up | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 0:46 | |
9. | Since I Was Five | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 0:54 | |
10. | Kristine & Max | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 0:50 | |
11. | Tonight | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 0:52 | |
12. | Memories | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 4:36 | |
13. | Most Important Night of Our Lives | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 0:47 | |
14. | Green Gloves | Monica Martin | 3:33 | |
15. | Don't Go | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 3:46 | |
16. | Keep on Keeping on | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:28 | |
17. | Light Years Away | Este Haim, Christopher Stracey | 1:23 |