Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) is a blue alien hedgehog hiding on Earth, who has the extraordinary power of running at supersonic speeds. When an evil scientist (Jim Carrey) spots him and decides to exploit his superpowers to conquer the world, Sonic has to seek help from a local sheriff (James Marsden).
Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Early in May last year, we got our first look at Sonic the Hedgehog, and the titular blue hedgehog who can run at supersonic speeds. The Internet collectively recoiled in horror at the sight of Sonic's human-like teeth, animal-like fur, and the widely-set eyes — the in-trailer reaction of James Marsden's lead human character upon first laying eyes on the creature was a poetic meta-meme — and nearly as quickly as it would take Sonic to circle the globe, first-time feature director Jeff Fowler & Co. vowed to make the desired changes and the Sega mascot's first live-action appearance the “best” it can be. That was an unprecedented moment. Sonic the Hedgehog was pushed off its earlier release date to give time for the redesign, and it's gotten better for it.
1. | Meet Sonic (Before We Start I Gotta Tell You This) | Junkie XL | 1:32 | |
2. | Welcome to Green Hills | Junkie XL | 2:01 | |
3. | A Very Lonely Life | Junkie XL | 2:50 | |
4. | Dr. Robotnik | Junkie XL | 2:56 | |
5. | That Would Work | Junkie XL | 1:48 | |
6. | Is That a Drone | Junkie XL | 3:22 | |
7. | Things to Do Before I Die | Junkie XL | 1:19 | |
8. | A Visit from the Doctor | Junkie XL | 4:01 | |
9. | But I Will Always Be Faster | Junkie XL | 4:19 | |
10. | SF-Paris-Egypt-SF | Junkie XL | 3:18 | |
11. | Skyscraper | Junkie XL | 3:24 | |
12. | Not a Baby Bigfoot | Junkie XL | 2:37 | |
13. | He Is My Friend | Junkie XL | 4:51 | |
14. | A New Home | Junkie XL | 1:14 | |
15. | Sonic the Hedgehog | Junkie XL | 3:15 |