Ben Barber (Kevin Hart), a recently graduated police rookie aspires to be a detective like his future brother-in-law James Payton (Ice Cube), but James still doesn't think that he has what it takes for the job. Later, James reluctantly takes Ben to Miami to follow up on a lead that's connected to a drug ring.
Ride Along 2 Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Team Player | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E., Arturo Sandoval | 2:06 | |
2. | The Brothers In-Law | Christopher Lennertz | 1:54 | |
3. | Big Check / Kill Him | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E., Arturo Sandoval | 1:04 | |
4. | Don't Be Signaling | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E., Arturo Sandoval | 3:17 | |
5. | Favor | Christopher Lennertz | 1:21 | |
6. | Muay Thai | Christopher Lennertz | 1:03 | |
7. | Jackpot | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E. | 1:54 | |
8. | Mufasa | Christopher Lennertz | 0:35 | |
9. | Black Panther | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E. | 1:58 | |
10. | Cut the Act | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E., Arturo Sandoval | 3:03 | |
11. | Dope Dealer / 10th Thing | Christopher Lennertz | 1:20 | |
12. | Shootout | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E., Arturo Sandoval | 1:17 | |
13. | Nachos | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E., Arturo Sandoval | 2:48 | |
14. | FN5.7 / WHN | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E. | 2:52 | |
15. | Hacker | Christopher Lennertz | 1:31 | |
16. | Access / Like Done Done | Christopher Lennertz | 2:08 | |
17. | Two Lamps and a Hard Place / Stakeout | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E. | 1:31 | |
18. | Top Gun | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E. | 1:05 | |
19. | Boning | Christopher Lennertz | 1:23 | |
20. | Whale Meat / Kev-pocalypse | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E., Arturo Sandoval | 2:00 | |
21. | Ben Barber Bitches | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E. | 2:57 | |
22. | Die, Blah Blah Blah | Christopher Lennertz, Sheila E. | 1:11 | |
23. | Mr. and Mrs. Black Hammer | Christopher Lennertz | 1:58 |