1 ★

1h 51min
Rez Ball: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date 27 September 2024
- Language English
- Dubbed In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, Ukrainian, Thai, Hungarian, Indonesian, Filipinos
- Genre Drama, Sport
- Duration 1h 51min
- Cast
Jessica Matten, Julia Jones, Amber Midthunder, Kiowa Gordon, Dallas Goldtooth, Cody Lightning, Ernest Tsosie, Kauchani Bratt, Devin Sampson-Craig, River Rayne Thomas, Jojo Jackson, Avery Hale
- Director
Sydney Freeland
- Writer
Sydney Freeland, Sterlin Harjo
- Cinematography Kira Kelly
- Music Dan Deacon
- Producer
LeBron James, Maurício Mota, Katie Elmore Mota, Spencer Beighley, Jamal Henderson, Nancy Utley
- Production
Wise Entertainment, Chernin Entertainment, Lake Ellyn Entertainment, The SpringHill Company
- Certificate 16+
About Rez Ball Movie (2024)
The Chuska Warriors, a Native American high school basketball team from New Mexico, must band together after losing their star player if they want to keep their quest for a state championship alive.
Rez Ball Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Rez Ball Movie Trailer
Rez Ball Photos